Monday, March 30, 2009

RV inside tour and summary of our plan

Monsoon season has been in effect here for several days. [thumbs down]

RV PLAN B now in effect. The RV is now out of our yard and parked in a full-service campground. Poor Mike had to back the RV all the way back up to the main road. We live on a dead-end road with no turning radius so a couple of friends and I were helping Mike, direct traffic to get it on the road and headed out. No pictures - was pouring rain and stressful.

Actually being at the campground, with the help of experienced folks, has helped us learn a lot about the RV that we'd never woulda figured out ourselves. It will be parked there a couple of months until we can get the land ready up at the barn - some fencing, some gravel, electric, water, etc.

and guess what? we accepted an offer on our house on Saturday. Yeah. The stars are lining up well. Didn't get quite $$ what we wanted but enough to get us out of debt and put few dollars in the bank.

Maybe one day, we'll get a small house built where we are gonna be. Brother-in-law is a contractor. But we'll see, from now on I only want to pay as we go, absolutely no debt whatsoever - the Jackie Clay mentality. In the RV, we'll be self-contained. won't need electric in case we have to do without it.

I'll contine to work at my job away from home to keep some income and health insurance flowing. I'd much rather be able to stay home but... I need to stick with it until I'm 62 years old, 10 years away. We'll be located closer to my workplace once our new facility is completed. We've got Mike's health insurance through my workplace too and the coverage is excellent [and expensive] so better stick with it.

not pictured is the washer/dryer, an important item.

because I like to cook, wish the refrigerator/freezer was larger inside but hope to have a refrigerator in the barn or a future Vet room. We'll be located on my inlaws land, above their house, my MIL does a lot of gardening and canning which I hope to do too. Mike will be able to walk to work, he works for the family trucking business located on the inlaws property.

Friday, March 27, 2009

the RV & the Angel

Time to go get the RV in Danville, VA. We take a tractor to handle the 5th-wheel RV. We stopped by the bank and got a cashiers check.

On the road for 3 1/2hrs, almost to Danville, we stop for lunch at Sagebrush.

picking up the RV in Danville, VA

they gave us a cap

on the way back, the rain and fog made it tough driving

in Deep Gap, you couldn't see your hand in front of your face

trying to back the RV in our yard, the tractor got stuck

worse than it looks

No pictures at this point, was pouring the rain. Through the rain and the fog, God sent a Good Samaritan in a huge farm tractor who saved the day and who would NOT accept any $$$ afterwards. Don't know if my camera would have captured the angel or not, just wonder.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Franklin in vogue.

Franklin, my Bourbon Red Turkey tom, strikes a pose. He is such a funny character.

Ameraucana in the bamboo.

Dust bathes are back.

Early, Cuckoo Marans roo

Some of the gang.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Goats Oats

Competing for the oats.

I know, that's only a face a mother can love, I think she is gorgeous. A Bourbon Red Turkey hen that we raised here, Ally.

Franklin, our Bourbon Red Tom. He is always a hit for those that visit. Loves to show off his tail and gobblegobble.

June, Nigerian Dwarf Dairy doe, will have babies midMay.

BarbraJean, a White Faverolle and SweetPea, a young Nigerian Dwarf Dairy doe.

I got the Cuckoo Marans eating out of my hand.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

a few pics from Tuesday

Early, our Cuckoo Marans rooster. See the crocous in the background.

Nigerian Dwarf Dairy goat, Clara. She going to be a mommie in midMay. Isn't it darling how goats set on their knees? I love goat knees.

Early, our Cuckoo Marans rooster again.

Yesterdays take. Our eggs are usually cleaner than that but still so muddy around.

The Wheaten Marans house, not pretty, but it's home.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

new SugarCreekStuff bag & cabbage

Michelle at SugarCreekStuff has outdone herself again. Take a look at my darling new bag.
Check out the glossy little eggs up at the barn.

look at all the cute items she has listed on ETSY

I have Nigerian Dwarf Dairy goats, Bourbon Red turkeys, and several varieties of chickens so I appreciate all three reflected on my new Spring bag.

Michelle knows I need a big pocket for keys.

I got up early this St. Patricks Day to bake a cabbage casserolle, brought some to the office. This one has: from the bottom up -
a layer of cooked crumbled hamburger
cheddar cheese spread across
4 c or more of chopped cabbage spread out
can of celery soup, 1/2 c mayo, salt, pepper spread on top
cork flakes sprinkled across
cheddar cheese across top
melted butter sprinkled on top
bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes
want it bubbling when it comes out

Monday, March 16, 2009

Edible Schoolyard - Alice Waters

I love Alice Waters and her idea's. The favorite class of the kids.

I think she looks pretty good for 64 yrs old.
Alice Waters started and still promotes the idea of using fresh, unprocessed, locally grown food – and, we learned recently, Michelle Obama is promoting the idea, too.

At 64, Waters has done more to change how Americans eat, cook and think about food than Julia Child. She’s the mother of a movement, now called "Slow Food," which is a healthy alternative to fast food. Now she is working to influence another generation, and has created a course for schoolchildren in Berkeley. During this course, the children have planted a garden and are learning the how-tos and whys of this healthy way of growing, cooking and eating. Alice Waters got her Victory Garden in front of San Francisco City Hall -- now the question is whether she can pull it off at the White House.

She's been a strong supporter of Barack Obama and has participated in several fundraisers. She even introduced Michelle Obama at a large gathering of Women for Obama in Chicago this summer, where she talked about her ideas of sustainability and healthful eating.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

MikeDud, Mike, Immersion

Me thinks MilkDud is a happy goat.

Mike has loved on that goat sooo much that Dud now puts his hooves on Mike's lap to be petted. Dud was very shy when we first got him. Dud had his Daddy, Nougat, with him but Nougat died so now it's just Dud until his half brothers are born OR we find a RED Nigerian Dwarf buck/ling for purchase. We'd like a Patches buckling One that looks like her plus she has an outstanding pedigree. MilkDud (and Nougat) came from Kids Corral.

Clara and Dud

Some of you gals talked me into getting an immersion blender. I bought one today and will try it out soon, I'm sure I'm going to like it.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Spaghetti and Gelato - Italian Night

made some spaghetti, but this time I toasted the thin-spaghetti noodles first, sort of like risotto style, turned out well.
I wanted to try Alton Brown's ice cream as Amy suggested. I substituted the sugar for store-brand Splenda.

I've got the KitchenAid Ice Cream attachment which works well.

Brownie bits and a cherry and we were in business!


I want to be a turtle

primarily an eastern box turtle. and a rested turtle, not a tired turtle.

The turtle best represents the way fulltime RVers live, they carry their house with them as they travel. Take a lesson from the turtle. She is not in a hurry and lives a long time.

The box turtle or box tortoise is one of several species of turtle.

North American box turtles are omnivores. Their sharp eyes and keen sense of smell help them in finding food such as snails, insects, berries, fungi, slugs, worms, roots, flowers, fish, frogs, salamanders, various rodents, snakes, birds, and eggs. During their first five to six years, the young are primarily carnivorous while they grow. Adults tend to be mostly herbivorous, but they do not eat green leaves. Box turtles have been known to eat road-kill. Babies and young turtles need more protein and prefer a carnivorous diet, and then include more and more plant matter as they get older.

Diet in the WildOmnivorous - these turtles eat snails, insects, berries, fungi, slugs, worms, roots, flowers, fish, frogs, salamanders, snakes, birds, and eggs indiscriminately. They have been observed eating carrion, feeding on dead ducks, amphibians, assorted small mammals, and even a dead cow. Their preference varies greatly by season but there is one definite trend. Young are primarily carnivorous while they grow during their first five to six years. Adults tend to be mostly herbivorous, but they eat no green leaves. Young often hunt in ponds and streams because the type of food they prefer is easier to catch there, but adults usually feed on land.

Zoo DietAt the Zoo, they are fed salad, earthworms, and crickets; rarely mealworms.

Box turtles are solitary creatures. They do not need companions of any sort.

Perhaps the most critical aspect of turtle care in the winter is to have adequate humidity.