Saturday, May 30, 2009

the Goat Boys

Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats

Cahoot and SugarPop

whoops, Franklin snuck into a photo as usual

SugarPop. I have to get him a collar that fits.

Wish that ugly table wasn't in the photo, we were organizing in the barn, it actually wasn't raining today, all sunshine!
Cahoot and MilkDud

Update on SweetPea and Gabbi - I continue to bottle feed Gabbi, but also put SweetPea on the milking stand, hold her rear legs, Mike entices her with the sweet feed, while Gabbi nurses her. I figure this is good for SweetPea's udder and good nutrition for Gabbi. I can't milk SweetPea's tiny udder to save my life, little-bitty teats. SweetPea seems to be healing just fine, gets her stitches out on Thursday.


  1. I have a barrel just like the one Milk Dud is laying on. When I think of how small the top is, it really gives me an idea of his size! He looks big in the pictures until I see him next to something I can relate to.

    Cute photos and the little guys look especially cute in the lawn chairs! LOL Gotta love goats!

  2. Just catching up on your blog after my blogging hiatus. Awesome pictures! So pleased to see Clara's babies (they are too cute for words!), Cahoot, and SugarPop too! What a wonderful goatie family! Glad to see that all is well with you!

  3. Your pictures were great! Your goaties are all so cute...and content looking. Ad what a handsome turkey your Franklin is. Wowza!


  4. It sounds like things are beginning to fall back into a workable pattern on your farm again. Glad the baby is nursing!

  5. SugarPop and Cahoot look right at home now, and Milk Dud seems content!

    I'm glad to know things are working out with SweetPea and Gabbi. And I always like to see Franklin in the pictures! He's so handsome.

    Nancy in Atlanta

  6. What pretty boys! You may want to check out the Maggiedan milker. It is what I use to milk my nigerian. They do have little teats.

  7. I love the shot of the one in the blue folding chair.
