Saturday, May 23, 2009

Moving Day & Cahoot

When I got the bright idea of moving to the barn, I was quite naive about what all it would take to get here. If not for a lot of family heavy lifting and large machinery help, moving day wouldn't have happened but we made it!

Below, the RV is hooked to a tractor (Mike driving) and a bulldozer (BIL driving) is pulling the tractor/RV up the rugged, gravel road.

FIL and a nephew

FIL is helping Mike get turned around.

Mike got turned around and now backing up, as FIL and BIL supervise.

Mike backing in to our spot then BIL in a trackhoe inched the RV here and there.

All total, the setup took 6 hours. Mike and I are now inside sitting on our butts.

Nephew gave MIL a ride to come up and see.

We had 5 goat babies delivered this week. We picked up Cahoot on Thursday and while at the breeder, the twins got disbudded - a 5hr roundtrip. Now, we need to go back to get the triplets done.
So, I introduce to you, 8-week-old Cahoot!

He is missing his Mama but we let him spend a little outside time with MilkDud.

Next week, I am on jury duty starting Tuesday and somehow have to close on our house on Thursday.


  1. You moved to the barn!!!! Fantastic. I bet you are elated!

    I love Cahoot. I was admiring his strong legs and back. That boy is going to be very nice (already is).

  2. Congrats on getting to the barn! That is a beautiful goat. I'm glad he is getting along with Milkdud. Nice rocks by the way! My goats would love some nice big rocks like that.

  3. I can't believe that little bulldozer pulled that great big tractor & RV!!

    What a beautiful setting!

    I also would love to have some giant rocks for my critters to climb on. It does a great job of keeping their feet trimmed!

  4. It's all coming together! Hello, Cahoot - I think he and Milk Dud can be good friends. What did SweetPea think of all the excitement? You and Mike deserved a chance to sit on your butts inside your home in its new place.


    Nancy in Atlanta

  5. It is nice you had all that help.

    I know even though it is hard work, you are enjoying it all.

    Cahoot is so handsome and big.
    Have a great day.

  6. Hooray! Love when things are progressing "forward" (sometimes it definitely seems things are going in the WRONG direction!!)

    Love Cahoot and especially his name!! (totally fitting for a goatie!)

  7. yippeeeeeeeee! You are moved! Can't wait to see lots of photos and read lots of stories of your new adventures.

  8. You're going to have a sweet Autumn. I doubt the goats et al are going to let you sit on your butts for long, so enjoy it while you can.

    Martha Ann
