Monday, May 25, 2009

SweetPea C-section

SweetPea is our 8 month-old Nigerian doe that got pregnant by accident. She is still such a little thing. Mike discovered her this afternoon with her water bag intact then we waited and waited and nothing happened. After talking back and forth to a couple of goat buddies, I called the local emergency animal clinic, and got lucky that the Vet on duty had had some cow and goat experience. So we loaded up SweetPea and took her in.

"are you OK Aunt SweetPea?"

SweetPea in labor

arriving at the Emergency Animal Clinic

Dr. Huggins had Mike and I to assist, I held her rear legs and Mike held head and front legs just in case she moved. SweetPea was sedated fairly well but apparently rumins can't be put all the way under because of the stomach setup.

We were supervised.

This was after the surgery.

Mike helping SweetPea down.

SweetPea had two little doelings inside although the first one didn't survive, it came out barely alive but wasn't strong enough. The second one that Dr. Huggins thought was really compromised, came out very strong.

These two gals and Dr. Huggins saved her life.

It is now 12:15AM, SweetPea is in her stall passed out. Her baby is in the RV with us. We have tried to give her some of SweetPea's milk but she won't take the bottle, just keeps hollering. If she falls asleep it is for only a couple of minutes, then starts hollering again.
We'd pull poor SweetPea to her feet but the baby never would suckle her, kept acting like it was looking for a teat but wouldn't take the teat.
We're so tired we can't see straight but we couldn't leave the baby with SweetPea because it would get cold, SweetPea is not available to nuture her baby right now.
8:00AM Tuesday - After a loooong night, Mama SweetPea and Baby Gabbi are resting comfortably together. Gabbi is nursing from SweetPea now. Off to the office and then jury duty starts at 1:30PM.


  1. Joanna,
    I'm so sorry Sweet Pea had such a rough delivery and that you lost a kid. The little one is adorable :)
    I hope she recovers quickly and can "Mama" the little one so you can get some much needed rest!

    Take care,

  2. Wow, not an easy delivery on this one, huh? But so glad you had a talented vet handy. You must be relieved the baby's nursing & the two have got it all under control now!

    Good luck staying awake in the jury box...

  3. Holy Moly! Glad you have a good vet nearby. Give Sweet Pea a kiss on the nose for me and tell that baby to be kind to her.

  4. Wow!!! They are sooooo great at the ER Animal Clinic...we've been there twice with Miss Kitty.....

    Congrats to SeetPea and the new baby.....


  5. Poor Sweet Pea! Thank God she has such loving owners who took such good care of her. It may be a blessing that the first lamb didn't make it ~ Sweet Pea looks pretty tiny to be raising twins. I'm so happy that you were able to save one of the doelings! She's going to be a special girl....

    I hope you get some rest soon!

  6. What good parents you guys are!! I sure understand your worry and good thing the Vet was available. Your girls are lucky to have you guys! I realized a long while back that raising babies is alot of work(human or animal) and you really have to give credit to all Mothers!! It is a Tough Job!!

  7. OMG, Joanna, I had no idea SweetPea was pregnant. You and Mike did one fantastic job of getting her help! Gabbi is a darling name, and she looks beautiful. I hope everything continues to go well.

    I KNEW you'd find a way to have a goat stay in the RV - I just thought it would be SweetPea, not her baby!

    Nancy in Atlanta

  8. Poor Sweet Pea. I hope she recovers ok, that is a lot for her to go through. I'm glad the baby is nursing, I hope it will all work out.

  9. Joanna, I am sorry you lost one of the doelings. But, I am so happy to hear that Sweet Pea is going to be okay and that you have a wonderful little kid doeling to tend to. I, myself, spent time in the vet's office this year with Chandra, and this is her 5th time to kid. Things just go wrong sometimes. You did a great job, and aren't people just wonderful when it comes to these emergencies? They are huge blessings! Thank you to that vet, to the assistants, and to you and Mike. Good job!

  10. Jury duty? gah! After the whirlwind and emotional roller coaster you've been through, you need some rest. Yikes!
    I'm relieved to hear that SweetPea came through ok, and she has a sweet little kid to take care of. Sorry about the loss of the other kid. So sad.
    I hope you can get some rest soon..and Sweet Pea, too.


  11. Awww poor Sweet Pea! Let's hope for a speedy recovery. That cute little gal sure is lucky to have you and Mike looking after her. Congratulations all around!
