Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Salads for me and the girl goats

I'm sitting here eating a Chick-Fil-A Chargrilled Chicken and Fruit Salad with the Berry Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing on top. Except that I wish cooked chicken tasted and felt like chicken I remember from long ago, it's good and Here's a review Mike and I got on the scales this morning, he's lost 4 lbs and I've lost a whopping 1/2lb. And I was just getting on his case last night for confessing to eating 3 McDonalds cheeseburgers - "but I didn't have fries or sweet tea!" Why does life seem sooo much easier for men than women?

Here's Clara eating her salad. Every late afternoon after I get home from work, I let the goat girls out on "my" side. All summer when the garden was lush and green, the goats didn't give the garden a second look, but now that it's drying out, they just can't wait to get to the garden. They just amble around loose, no fencing, rarely getting out of my sight. Shake a little of grain in a plastic cup and they come running.

One of Clara's daughter's CoCo.

Again, Clara and CoCo

Gypsy and CoCo will be leaving us in a couple of weeks. I feel like they are going to a very good home, the young couple has been working hard to get good housing and fencing on their property. We had 4 girls born to us this Spring, and we'll be keeping Gabbi and TootleLu (didn't get their photo's yesterday).

One of the turkey girls followed us to the garden, Bourbon Red hen.

SweetPea with a mouthful of a dried corn stalk.

Look at that squash plant that has popped up.

June, Gypsy, and Cali.



  1. Your babies all look so good!!

    I remember a couple of times we were in the barn watching early labor progress. I went to the market and brought home hot lunches. The girls loved the california blend, especially the carrots. Dusty was in early labor and got a couple of carrots, fed with a plastic fork no less. :)

    About the diet...guys have such an easier time with weight loss!!! Not fair!! Best wishes!!

  2. I agree about men losing weight easier than women. Not fair at all!

    That squash plant is huge. Does it have any blooms or squash yet?
    The goats are looking good. I bet they are having a time.

    Our goats come a running at the sound of grain too. No matter how much green stuff they ate all day,too.

    Have a great day.

  3. Your girls are beautiful, as always. Too bad you have to part with any of them, but I understand that's part of the farm life.


  4. Lovely salad...mine never look that good. I sure do love your pics.
