Sunday, May 16, 2010

Clemson Goat Show

We're so proud of MilkDud here, Mike handling. Dud won his 2yr-to-under-3yrs class and now he is showing in the Senior Champions Class. Up front, muscular 7yr old Abe from Kids Corral won, MilkDud still needs to mature through the body. Hopefully, when Dud is 7yrs old, he will be filled out like Abe.

a typical lineup

We slept in the Goat Mote, it worked great. We plugged up to the show barn and had our A/C and interior lights on, also ran a water hose to the trailer and we had running water in the sink. The barn was never locked and had bathrooms and showers available 24/7.
Took all 6 kids with us, Chamonix kept escaping her pen and nice folks kept rescuing her, throwing her back in. We had a very good time although we were hoping our Junior Does, Gabbi and TootleLu had better results in the ring. MilkDud came through, he was sooo keyed up in the pen, very excited to be there.
Was VERY hot and humid in Clemson, whew, glad to be back in the hills.


beautiful LaMancha buck.

Remember our Deets? He won the Junior Championship, now owned by Kori Connor.

Mike handling Cahoot who came in 2nd. Red Cahoot got a red ribbon.

Champion Challenge, Abe beat Sudoko.

This is how I feel.
Next weekend, Spindale...


  1. Well, it sounds like you had a wonderful time. Shows can be so much fun. You get the opportunity to meet new people, and learn new things. I'm glad that the goat mote worked out so well.

  2. What a handsome group of goats!!! Congrats on MilkDud. Does this mean you will be travelling on weekends and not participating in Farmers' Market??

  3. Congratulations to you and the very handsome Milk Dud! Yay!

  4. Wow! That looks like a fun thing to do! Congrads on the ribbons!

  5. Well sounds like you had a great successful time. Congratulations to Milk Dud, he does have the best stand on the first picture for sure. Love the last picture, made me smile....

  6. bet you are shattered!!! great photos!

  7. I forgot you were there. We were there Saturday watching. Wish I had remembered and talked to you. Will you be at the Monroe GA show?

  8. Congrats on the ribbon. He looks so sweet. Shows are fun and a great deal of work. Glad the Goat Moat worked out well.

  9. Congratulations, Milk Dud! What a gorgeous red beard. Congratulations also to Cahoot - 2nd place is nothing to sneeze at. Sounds like you had a grand, although tiring, time.

    Nancy in Iowa

  10. Congrats, sounds like it was a weekend well-spent! Glad the Goat Mote worked out so well. Looking forward to more success for the Dudster!

  11. Gosh that sounds fun!! I wish I had a "Goat Show" Buddy! I would love to be involved in enjoyable meeting all the same kindred sort of folks and what a wonderful way to SHOW OFF those babies of yours. Congrats!!

  12. Congrats to MilkDud on his win. The color blue goes good on him.
    It sounds like you all had a wonderful time.
    That La Mancha goat looks really big!
    Love the last pic.

  13. I just read your blog and figured you must have been the people with the pen at the end of the second row. Kassandra must have rescued that little escaping kid a half dozen times over the weekend.

  14. Oooooh, congratulations on Milkdud's win! He's so handsome!

  15. Hay! LOL! You have an award on my glob!

  16. Congratulations Milk Dud!

    I love goat shows even though I have not been for a few years. I got to go through you today!

    Have a great weekend.

  17. joanna...just reaslised that I have not been "officially" following you..have just remidied that!

  18. Great results! It sounds like you had a good time too, although exhausting I'm sure. Having the Goat Mote has to help out allot. Congrats on the ribbons!
