Friday, June 25, 2010

Franklin sees the stork

"I see the stork."
Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats

"pleasant evening for him" says McGuyver

"you say the storks coming?"

"yeah, that's him"

"OK, it's time"

they found June dug in

Red BooneDocksWilcox MD Rhubarb

Red BooneDocksWilcox MD Rosebud

Red BooneDocksWilcox MD Raspberry

June did a great job [3 healthy, red & white girls] and is treated to some warm molasses water

"we're kicked out of our bedroom"

"because of the new squirts, we're sleeping on shelves"


  1. Oh. My. Goodness. They are ADORABLE! Congratulations all around!!!

  2. Congratulations on three beautiful girls! Franklin was very cute on his stork watch!

  3. Franklin did a good job watching for the stork. And, of course, June did the best job of all, delivering those three adorable little girls. Congratulations on a safe and happy delivery.

  4. ADORABLE!!!! Love the pic of all the babies running to see the stork...giggling....Beautiful kids, You come up with the best names. Once again you have made me smile.

  5. congrats!!!! 3 doelings! How wonderful. Tell Franklin he has a good eye.

  6. Leave it to Franklin to lead the way to the stork!

    Oh how wonderful, Joanna. Your new triplets are so sweet and pretty. June really DID do a fabulous job bringing those doelings into the world.

    Congratulations. Now we wait on Sweet Pea!


  7. Oh, wow! What gorgeous little girls! Congratulations, June - excellent job!

    Nancy, goatless in Iowa

  8. June's such a good momma. I can't believe it, 3 doelings! And they were born on my birthday! Good job all around, June. I'll bet she's relieved to have dropped a few pounds, lol.

  9. The girls are beautiful, and I'm sure June is vastly relieved to be able to move more easily! How many will you keep?

  10. Wow, three beautiful girls. Congratulations...and they are soooooo adorable. Awwwww!

  11. Ah beautiful girls! For my information how much molasses do you put in the water for momma?

  12. How Precious,

    Congrats GOgrannie! LOL

  13. Congrats to June. From her size I thought she would have 4, but 3 little girls is perfect.

    What happened to Franklin's beak?


  14. Gorgeous babies...and all girls!!! Simply perfect!!

  15. Oh, toooo cute!!! Congrats! I was hoping Franklin had some little ones on the way ;-).

  16. Lucky!!! 3 Does! Way to go Juney! Those girls are B-E-A-utiful. Can't wait to see them at a show. Becca said June looked like the "Octo-Mom" in the previous pictures. Franklin is a cover boy! Those pictures are always so vivid and rich. He's a star!

  17. FRANKLIN looks the spit of my BINGLEY!!!! THEY COULD BE BROTHERS!!!!!
