Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Shelby Goat Show Pics

Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats
we'll soon be adding some red to our herd:
Rhubarb, Rosebud, Red Holstein
Duane, "the buck," is higher in the withers than in the rump, not good :-)

BEST OF BUCK went to the LaMancha on the far right

However, Abe, owned by Kids Corral, got his championship finished.

Jenna and Nicole from CapraKoza and Carol of Kids Corral

All of us Nigerian breeders have a good time hanging together at the shows.

second from left, John Nelson of J-Nels
and with blond hair, Teena Bagwell of GypsyMoon
Karen of End-O-Way and Judy of J-Nels
Dianne of DoubleDurango made her sign, she can make anything


  1. Dudders is looking pretty sharp there! Are you getting any interest in him from the other breeders?

  2. Goat shows look fun! That LaMancha is a big fellow!

  3. I have to say,ole Duane is stealing the show! The show looks fun!

  4. facinating
    some of those goats liike like very large terriers


  5. I love the eyes of goats, so much expression in them.

  6. Duane has great dairy character! Looks like you all had a great time. Sorry we missed!

  7. Looks like a good time was had by all, just love these little does and bucks

  8. joanna can you post another video with you talking on it...just love your accent! and the way you describe things

  9. Chamonix is a gorgeous goat. I love the markings. Abe's goat-tee reminds me of an Amish.
