Sunday, December 26, 2010

broccoli salad, snow, short video

Posted Sunday at 4:15PM
From Ray, our local weatherman - The northwest flow stage of the current storm is picking up this afternoon and will last well into Monday. Today and Monday, higher elevations right along the TN/NC line will pick up a foot or more of new snow. Winds will become very strong tonight and Monday. True blizzard conditions will develop this afternoon at higher elevations right along the NC/TN line and last into early Monday.

Yes, we live very close to the TN line.

I've got a good and easy broccoli salad for ya. Ann brought it yesterday to Christmas dinner.
bacon (real bacon bits)
1/2 c of mayo
1/4 sugar
1 T red-wine vinegar

very tasty. I didn't have any califlower. I think Ann's broccoli was raw but I brought my frozen broccoli just to a boil.

Our driveway after father-in-law got up here with his tractor.

Hasn't gotten windy yet so the snow in laying in the trees.


  1. Thank you for sharing the broccoli salad recipe. I am going to make it.
    Hope the goats are staying warm;)

  2. Thanks for the broccoli salad recipe! Oh all that snow is pretty.

  3. I hope you don't have to go anywhere tomorrow morning! We got several inches down here in the foothills. It started Christmas night and most of the 26th. By the afternoon it had melted off all the sidewalks & roads. Very convenient!

  4. It looks like perfect weather for staying inside! Do you have a fireplace? ;-)

    I may have to make that broccoli salad too. It's quite expensive to buy in the store...

  5. Yummy Broccoli salad recipe! Your place looks so peaceful. It's colder down South there than it is here in New York! Brrrrr.

  6. That broccoli salad looks exactly like and delicious as one I used to get at Costco in a bag! I always brought it as "my dish" to potlucks! Now that we don't live near a Costco, I haven't been able to replicate, but I think your recipe will do it! In case you would like to try, the Costco salad had sunflower seeds and craisins. Thanks for the recipe:)!

  7. It looks so peaceful, but too cold for me. The snow is pretty, but I am already tired of it again this year.


  8. It looks very pretty up there on your mountain. Good idea to just settle in and let it snow.

  9. Thanks for the recipe; since we have some broccoli about ready for harvest this will come in handy. Your place looks so pretty in the snow -- I am envious. Merry Christmas

  10. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You :-)


  11. I forgot to mention for the broccoli salad, also adding bean sprouts is yummy. Close to 70 this weekend for us! Hope you get some of this too!

  12. Mmmm! Broccoli salad.

    Sure looks pretty there. I was hoping you all would get a break from the deep snows this winter. I guess that's not happening.

    We had that one storm a week before Christmas that dumped a foot of snow on us. But it melted clean in three days. Most of the winter so far we've had temps up in the 50's and 60's so it's been too warm for snow.
    I sure wish we could have had a White Christmas, though.

    Weather reports are calling for two more storms moving in from the west this week...lots of wind, and about 4-8" of snow.
    Worst of all the temps will be down to zero! brr!

    And once it leaves NM, it'll be on it's way to you.

    Hang in there and stay warm,

    ps I've always enjoyed listening to you talk. Thanks for the smile today :)

  13. Thank you for sharing!! Y'all stay safe and warm.
