Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow, Wind, Cold Day

Bitterly cold, strong winds, more snow. Appalachian State University shut down today, rare for them, and Mike and I are at home in our recliners. Yipee!


  1. Sounds like a really good place to be on a bitterly cold day! Enjoy!

  2. I actually LOVE it when we get a big enough snow storm that everything closes down! There's just something about being safe and warm (?) in one's own home that makes it feel good. For 24 to 48 hours, anyway!


  3. i just can't get over the drastic difference in our weather being only 2 hours away...

  4. Looks the same over here....!!
    Sorry...didn't make the sweaters...bought them in (of all places) Florida....!!! lolololol

    Enjoy your day inside....

  5. What a wonderful way to spend a snowy day. Keep the toes warm and enjoy.

  6. Enjoy your snow day! We're getting lake effected today, with about five inches on the ground since last night, but we're used to it. Nothing is shut down.

  7. I've decided to swith over to aerosol deoderant to speed up global warming! We are 3 hours north of the panhandle of Florida and there is snow on the ground!

  8. Just read your past few blogs to catch up with what is going on.
    My goodness you have a lot of snow!
    Your food pictures as usual have made me hungry!
    Franklin and the group all look very happy and healthy even with all the snow.
    Sorry about your friend who passed away. We can never take life for granted because you just never know when it is over.
    Love you festive blog page!
    Enjoy your day relaxing!

  9. only good part of a kicking back and relaxing. After everyone is secured outside of course, I find I worry worry and worry a little too much about how all are surviving sometimes. This year..I will have a new BARN!!

  10. We are having the cold strong winds here today. And..there is still sleet on the ground from what is it..a month ago. Alright a couple of days ago but that is long enough.
    Take care and stay warm.

  11. Brrrrrrrr but lovely. Hope you have something warm to sip.

  12. Oooh! I'm so glad you don't have to be out in that freezing cold snowy weather. Enjoy your cozy time at home :)

