Sunday, January 30, 2011

WabiSabi, hoof trimming, turkey porn

after reading the latest edition of Mother Earth News, I enjoyed the WabiSabi article the best.
...will inspire you to see that less is more, simple is beautiful and there is endless beauty in the everyday objects around you...

I'll have to name a goat - WabiSabi.
we've had some decent weather this weekend, Mike got 30 more bales of hay yesterday, got 'em in the hayloft. 40 bales last weekend and 30 bales this weekend, we should be good on hay until June - hay season.

today [Sunday], we've been hoof trimming

We measured Cahoot, we worried he has grown too tall at the withers, for the show ring. Not supposed to exceed 23 1/2" at the top of the shoulders.

and we've been witnessing a lot of turkey porn this weekend. Obviously, it's turkey breeding season. Everytime we walk by a turkey girl, she lays down. :-)

Franklin and Jefferson don't allow Bennie any of the action but Bennie seems to be doing fairy well.
I've been trying to see if by bred does are pregnant. We don't ever have any bucks running with the girls, but put a doe and a buck in a pen for a minute if the doe is in heat. The buck will mount her for 2 seconds and it's over, so never sure if it took. Sometimes, it's obvious when a girl is in heat but sometimes not. Nigerians come into heat every 21 days.

We'll go to the gym this evening, we have a schedule of Sun, Tues, and Thurs evenings, unless the weather doesn't cooperate. Mike was a long-distance runner in a previous life, and he's worked his way up to 4 miles running on the treadmill. I mostly do the elliptical machine and weights.
CalorieCount, seems good, it's free and easy to keep up with calories each day. I've only used it one day, however, Friday :-) when I cook on the weekends, I don't know how to track it. I made some REALLY good SloppyJoe's this weekend. Loads of flavor.
Gotta get back to hoof trimming at the moment.


  1. I could look at turkeys and goats all day. Even the porn and the rear shots are absurdly interesting. A kindred spirit here.

  2. One of my favorite artists, Ellis Paul, sings a song called Wabi-sabi on a kids album that he recorded. I've always loved the song. Check it out:

    We should have been hoof-trimming today but we were too busy hiking to the ridge for the beautiful views. Gorgeous day!

    Love the pictures. I am in real need of someone to talk goats with. :) Hopefully we can visit soon.

  3. But, was Cahoots still within the limit, or not?

  4. Trimming hooves is a never ending job ... at least it seems that way! Your goats are really pretty. It looks like you'll be having some babies this spring.

  5. Those boys sure have a nice rock garden to play on. Cahoot is a big boy for sure, but is he too big for the shows? You didn't say.

    Great pics. Nice view looking down onto your farm.

    And WOW, that Franklin is one impressive dude! No wonder the lady turks are all laying down at his feet! oooh la la!


  6. Cahoot does seem too tall but we'll take him to a Show [mid- April] and see what the judges think. He's still a great breeder, as in, I have a lot of $$$ in him :-)

  7. Everyone looked happy to be out in the SUN for a taste of Spring.


  8. Just got the new Mother Earth and have not read it all yet... I'll read the WabiSabi article first! I met the Bowtie publisher at work yesterday, nice man and I love their magazines - Hobby Farm, Hobby Farm Home, and Urban Farm... a little fluffy but good. (good animal mags, too). Joanna.. I appreciated your comment on my blog... can you please write me at, so I can ask a few more questions of you?

  9. Love those rear shots!!
    I do the same in the spring and have my friends all guess when the cows are due to calve. I give a prize to the closest date.
    Your tom turkeys are very handsome.
    Lots of snow here today.
    Come visit the herd when you have a moment:

  10. The animals all look amazing! I can't wait to hear about the baby goats!

    Mike sure does look comfortable with hoof trimming! Man, oh man - when we had our goaties, the fight was on! Great job, Mike!


    P.S. Still lovin' those snow spikes!

  11. We envy you, seeing those round momma's to be! Did Cahoot measure out fine? Will we see him at Teena's show? We are entering 5 Jr Does. I bow to you looking at all that snow and thinking about show season!

    So funny...I looked at that picture of Ruby and said, "What a nice top line!" Then read your words. Right on! She's lookin' good! Can't wait to see you at Teena's!

    Trimmed feet two weeks ago. So much easier than horses!!! Another reason to love the goats!

  12. I don't blame the ladies laying down around Boris. He is one fine looking stud muffin. LOL

    Take care,

  13. "turkey porn" sure does grab the attentionx
