Monday, April 18, 2011

at the Clinton, SC Nigerian goat show

As I told ya before, June and Sundance moved to Tennessee. Yesterday, Cubby and Bubba did not get eaten but went to live at a petting zoo. Today, Corky and Fizz went to live in nearby Valle Crucis. We're down to 17 goats but Mike is looking for a good senior doe to join our herd.
This past weekend, we were in Clinton, SC at a goat show, actually the show was just for Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats. While the tornado sirens continued to sound off, we went ahead with our show. Teena Bagwell and her husband, David, have a beautiful farm, were gracious hosts, and held the show on their property.  We always enjoy having fun with our goat friends.

David was joking with Mike about his white-bib-overalls and said, "hey man, all ya need now is a paint brush and a wine bottle."

Mike showing Pixie, click and biggify the photo's. The judges liked our MilkDud and GingerBreadGirl.


  1. Looks like a fun day. Wish they had those around here. In NE it's just cattle and hogs. Hardly ever see sheep let alone goats.

  2. The goat's look great! Congrats. Looks like a lot of fun!

  3. Mike looked great with his BDW uniform!! What, no pics of you with your mustard? Your goats looked great! We were very impressed by Dud! He is a very nice buck! It was a highlight of our trip to see you and so look forward to seeing you at Clemson. Wish we had more time to sit and chat.

  4. So happy Cubby & Bubba did not get eaten! Hope they are happy in their new home. I think all of your goats are prize winners.

  5. I loved these pictures, and that little Pixie is one pretty little girl!
