Thursday, August 23, 2012

BarbaraJean hit by a car

On Wednesday Aug 22, BarbaraJean was hit by a car. We think she was hit early AM after Mike left for work, she always follows his car down our dirt road to the inlaws house, and she is supposed to stop in their yard. As I was leaving for work, I couldn't find her. We didn't know where she was until approx 6PM that evening. A man had called one of Mike's sisters about a big, white dog laying in his backyard. We hooked up the utility trailer to the truck and raced over. BJ couldn't get up and Mike grabbed her hind legs and dragged her up on the trailer. She spent the night on the trailer. I drove BJ to our Vet this morning. Our "livestock" Vet is only in Mountain City, TN on Wednesday afternoons and Thursday mornings. Just a satellite office out of Abington, TN. 

By IV, BarbaraJean received 3 bags of fluids today.  She also received pain meds and steroids. I brought her home this afternoon. In the morning [Friday], I will drive BJ to the Abington office so she can get Xrayed and see if she has improved overnight. She's not drinking or eating, her breathing is labored, and we are giving her pain pills. BarbaraJean needs a few prayers.  The Vet hasn't formed any definite opionions yet, BJ may bounce back, she may have to be put down.
Also, I hate to have to mention this but
yesterday, when we found BarbaraJean,
flies were swarming all over her,
I find out at the Vets office today,
around BJ where she poops and pees,
damn maggots had already hatched on BJ
and the Vet shaved, cleaned, and sprayed the area.
Was disgusting, they were trying to eat
BJ alive, poor BarbaraJean.


  1. Joanna and Mike, I am so very sorry... after your loss, now this. I'll pray for BarbaraJean tonight, I'm so glad you found her at least.

  2. OH that is so sad, sending healing thoughts and prayers to Barbara Jean. Hope she will be ok.

  3. I'm sending much love & prayers for Barbara Jean. She is lucky to have you & Mike.

  4. Joanna & Mike - sending thoughts and prayers your way. We will be euthanizing our Sophie on Tuesday. Breaks my heart to think about it, even though it is the right thing to do for her. Luckily she won't have the pain and suffering that Barbara Jean has endured.
    Mahala & Jack
