Thursday, August 1, 2013

BarbaraJean and JackBadger spent the day at the spa.

BarbaraJean and JackBadger spent the day at the spa, Queeny's Pet Palace. I know some say to NEVER shave down Great Pyrenees because it's bad for their coats, takes their temperature regulators away, etc but you can't tell me BJ & JB don't feel a lot better. Their coats were way beyond brushing. We don't brush 'em maybe like we should but they are working dogs, constantly running these mountain sides and we have 28 goats, 4 dogs, and full-time jobs.

Barbara Jean only has three legs and Jack has only one good eye but they don't let disabilities slow 'em down.

I knew Barbara was thin but didn't realize she looked quite so boney. After her leg was removed, we knew we shouldn't let her get too heavy but we have the opposite problem. She is very active plus a big dog on only three legs burns more calories, she has to expend more energy to get around. We certainly increased her calorie intake for dinner tonight and will for the next few months.


Dear Dot,
SweetPea passed in April, I miss her very much.
She was my first love in goats.
I can't blog about her yet, maybe one day.
Love you Dot, Joanna


  1. I'm very sorry for your loss of Sweet Pea. I know it is hard, as there are always individuals that capture our hearts.

    Barbara Jean & Jack Badger look great in their new haircuts and I'm sure feel much better. They look so small under all that fluff! I have allot of problems staying ahead of the collies and their coats matting this time of the year. It is hard to tell condition under all that hair too!


  2. I was afraid that was the case with dear Sweet Pea. So very sorry. So sad. Loved that gal. Tell BJ & JB they both look quite spiffy now. Much love to all of you.
