Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ginger's babies arrived

This was Ginger on Monday, the kids were born on Tuesday.

This is the Baby Daddy, TigerTank, although I need to get an updated photo of him, he's 9 months older now.  http://boonedockswilcox.weebly.com/tank-asylum-hill-ss-tiger-tank.html  The son of Stormy.

Aug 20, 2013 approx. noon

I love the frosted ears on Giuseppe, Ginger has frosted ears.

Proud Grandpa, Stormy, aka Sandy.  The kids look like Grandpa but he wasn't here at the time Ginger was bred. http://www.five-pointsfarm.com/Doe-Sy-Doe_AP_Sandstorm.html  Tank is his son.

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