Saturday, May 2, 2009

CuckooMaransChicks, 3-BeanSalad, AmeraucanaRoo

Well, we've been living at the campground for over a month now. I think we close on the house June 1st. The goats, Cuckoo Marans, and Salmon Faverolle's are living at the barn. The Wheaten Marans and Ameraucana chickens are still living at the house. The campground is very close to the barn so it has been convienient. Our house is on the other side of the county.

Apparently, this Cuckoo Marans hen was in hiding being broody when we moved all her buddies over to the barn two weeks ago. All of the sudden this morning, this Cuckoo hen and 12 chicks showed up. We didn't realize we were missing this girl until now. After hearing so much about
OctoMom, I was trying think what a mother with 12 babies would be called but don't know.

I love 3-Bean Salad. I love anything with vinegar mixed with it. For the dressing, I use:
1/2 c oil
2/3 c apple cider vinegar
2/3 to 1 c of sugar or sweetner
sprinkle in celery seed and onion flakes

1 can of green beans
1 can kidney beans
1 can lima beans
and you can add in garbonzo beans, I throw in a few
put in the frig and chill
as you can see above, I buy most off-brand products. I feel like I save more money doing that than using name-brand coupons. I rarely have a coupon for anything I'd normally purchase. What is your opinion about saving money on items?

At the barn today - we have a brother-in-law that is a contractor who is putting in our septic tank, YEAH! Mike, two nephews, and father-inlaw are up there working so I stayed out of the way. We're getting closer to moving the RV up to the barn. The cable/internet company is coming on Tuesday to install their stuff.

One of our Ameraucana pullets turned out to be a male. That white-messy looking bird is the roo. I sold some of the pullets but kept that ugly one because I could distinquish it from the other "girls" but then it started crowing.


  1. 12 chicks! That's a pretty impressive brood! We stopped in at the old-fashioned hardware store by the market today, to see if they had chicks yet. Guess what kind they had? Cuckoo Marans! I got a big kick out of that.

    You really are making a ton of progess up there! Who's gonna get the honor of first flush? LOL!!

    In response to your money-saving question, I do clip coupons. We'll buy many things store-brand, but there are some things we're picky about. For example, Miss Chef did some research on organic milk and found that some companies still raise their cows in a factory-farm setting, on grain. So she only wants Organic Valley (they're a co-op).

    How's this for saving money: I clipped a coupon for Ball canning jars; $3 off! So not only do we save on the jars, but we save by making our own jams and stuff. Double win.

    Oh, and I think that "ugly" chicken is pretty darn striking! Not as gorgeous as Early, but he's in a whole different category.

  2. Ooh I've wanted those chicks for awhile now. Aren't they the ones that lay the chocolate brown colored eggs?? To me those chickens stature is just awesome! Are they good moms?

  3. That's one beautiful roo! I'm sorry he turned out to be a boy.

  4. Congrats on all your progress! Your sneaky Cuckoo hen looks like a wonderful Mom - tell her she did a good job. And I actually think your messy white Roo "formerly known as Hen" is very handsome!

    Nancy L

  5. I love that top picture. Mama hen looks like one seriously protective mother! 12 little funny.

  6. I just "found" your blog and am so delighted that I did!! I have 12 little chicks (now about 5 or 6 weeks ago, so not so little anymore) of them and their house on my blog. I'll definitely add you to my favorites and visit often. I hope you're having a great weekend...


  7. What a pleasant surprise she had for you!
    I kinda like the messy looking one.
    I know you are getting excited about finally getting things done.

  8. What a great couple pics of the new family! I always seem to have a sneaky, broody hen or two....and get lots of mixed heritage chicks!

    I always seem to get some roos in my pullet purchases. I've been busy finding homes for most of them. My only surviving SQ blue Ameraucana turned out to be a roo.

  9. He is handsome...

  10. A dozen chicks? "Cuckoo hen" seems to fit mama just fine! I wouldn't change a thing.

  11. The biddies are cute and a great surprise.
    I love 3 bean salads too.
    Good luck with all you have going on.
    It sounds as if it is progressing well.
    Have a great day.

  12. Chickens just crack me up. Gotta love her hiding (and taking care of) all those babies.

  13. Wow! What a productive hen! She looks really well feathered too which probably made it easy for her to cover 12 eggs. What a good girl! I hope you give her lots of treats to reward her for her efforts.
