Friday, May 1, 2009

Goats & Fruit Cocktail Cake

June is the pretty covergirl today.

Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goat doe originally from Double Durango Farm due to have babies May 15th.

June is SweetPea's mama

June and MilkDud. The bred does really don't care to have Dud around but tolerate him. He is the only male we have the moment so we like for him to have some goat companionship as long as he behaves himself.

Kids Corral MilkDud

a yellow bouquet for you

We also run a retirement home for some old gals and Champagne is one of the residents, a Standard Salmon Faverolle.

and speaking of yellow...

Fruit Cocktail Cake
1 box of yellow cake mix
1 box of lemon instant pudding
1/4 cup of oil
4 eggs (from your girls)
1 can fruit cocktail with juice
1 cup of coconut

Sprinkle 1/2 cup brown sugar and 1/2 cup nuts on batter.

Beat for 2 to 3 minutes. Bake at 350ºF. for 45 minutes.
I made them as muffins, sharing them in the office today, and going over quite well.


  1. I just saw your note about the fruit cocktail cake over at Suzanne's blog - looks really moist! I thought your post title meant you were sharing it with June while she waits...

    I hope her new baby/babies will be as adorable as SweetPea. And I also hope Dud doesn't have to wait much longer for the 3 new bucklings to pal around with.

    Nancy in Atlanta

  2. Dud looks like he's ready for a nap.
    The boquet is sweet. Pretty and cheerful.
    That cake looks delicious.

  3. Are the girls ready to pop? :)

    Mmm....that cake looks good enough to reach into the screen and eat!

  4. I cant wait to see the babies...

  5. That cake recipes sounds delicious! I'm going to try it. Only 2 more weeks left for June! I bet you're both so excited you can hardly stand it. I think she's going to have beautiful babies. It's nice that you are providing a retirement home for your older hens.

  6. Seeing the goats out in the field brings up a question--when they're out there, are they pretty much eating constantly? Or do they stop for naps and chin rubs and playing? Or coffee and cake? :)

    I said something to Michele, our local goat farmer, about having her goats come over to chew on our lawn, and she said they'll eat everything. Too bad; it sounded like a good plan!

  7. What is UP with Champagne? Her feathers look all ruffled for some reason. Has Dud been after her too? That might explain her expression.

    And as for the cake... have a piece for me please. It looks delish!

    Oh - and as usual - the sweet goat pix made my day. God how I love em.

  8. Oh that looks delicious and pretty easy! I'm going to try this one! Thanks...
