Monday, May 11, 2009

every survival kit should include a sense of humor

One of the main reasons for moving to inlaws rustic 30 acres is so I can watch my critters in lush pastures. It has been a lot of hard work and we've only scratched the surface. Mike's shoulders ache all the time and my left knee is just about gone, if I go to the ortho surgeon, I already know the diagnosis, knee replacement, don't want to be going through that just now, I want to stay vertical for the summer, surely it will quit raining sometime.

Franny and Franklin, Bourbon Red Turkeys. With the help of a 25-year old nephew, got this pasture fenced. Not as interested in fencing "in" but fencing predators "out." Managed to get this shot on Saturday inbetween the rains. It's raining again today.

The latest issue, the "plum-easy" issue, of MaryJanesFarm arrived today, I'm at the office and sat in my truck on my lunch break so I could read it - rain pouring on my truck while I read the magazine and eating my lunch. "Every survival kit should include a sense of humor." It's chocked full all sorts of stuff and positive one liners. "In the garden, my soul is sunshine." Obviously when I'm physically at the office, I've left my heart at the barn.

On Saturday, before we got rained out again, contractor BIL driving the machine (whatever you call that thing), his son on top of the septic tank, and Mike. BIL says we may get a small spring-fed pond there and move the tank over, I loved that idea.
This area where the drainpipe went in, in an already soggy area, when we walk through there, no way to avoid it, we sink in mud over our ankles. We can't seed and gravel until this septic work gets done.


  1. I'm so sorry that the rain won't quit for you Joanna, but what it's doing for your farm is breathtaking. We have had zero rain in weeks and are as parched as can be. Rain was expected today, but so far - nuttin'. You have my permission to send some of the wet stuff to Florida.

  2. Too bad about the rain. Good photo of the turkeys. Have a nice day. Becca

  3. Won't be long until you are on the farm!

  4. Such pretty turkeys! I'm still looking for a few.

  5. You have the most beautiful turkeys I've ever seen. I never noticed it before, but the hens are lighter than Franklin. How interesting!
