Monday, May 3, 2010

gardens, chicks, always some goats

Did you know that you can only taste 4 flavors with your tongue?
Those flavors are: sweet, sour, salt and bitter.
Use your imagination here for a flower/bush garden; took a lot of labor to get this area cleaned up. There are some dead pines I want cut down which will open up the view.

Finished getting the vegetable garden fenced in, up at the orange gate.

Mike riding in the scoop while nephew drives the tractor.

Got in some day-old chicks from McMurray
12 - Silver-Laced Wyandottes
12 - Delawares
12 - Rhode-Island Reds

"the red boys" Bordy and Beaux
June is due June 22nd


Cuckoo Marans hen among the creasy greens

Gabbi and Beaux wrestling and buttin' heads

ended as friends


  1. I bet June can't wait for June to get here, wow. Your garden looks beautiful...and those little chicks so cute and I am surprised that the goats don't hurt themselves when they headbutt like that...I know the sound sure sounds alone would indicate pain to me.

  2. 36 more chickens! Mmmmm lots more good eggs. Your goats, as always are so personable. Isn't it fun waking up in the morning, knowing you are going to see them?

  3. Those goat babies are growing so fast.

    I hope you enjoy your chicks. I love chicks.


  4. It's amazing how blue Gabbi looks in the photos. Is she really that blue? She's a beautiful goat.

  5. Interestingly (I think I heard this on GMA but had to google it) there is a 5th taste now.

    Always love your goat shots and am still wanting a Franklin :-).

  6. I did use my imagination(I have over used it around here on similar projects, so it just pops up when needed)..and I think the flower/bush garden is going to be beautiful!

    The biddies are so cute.
    I am quiet sure June's other end looks much

    I have rode in the buckets on the loaders around here a many a time. It is fun!

    Everything is looking good your way. I hope ya'll didn't have bad weather the last few days.

    Have a great day.

  7. wonderful pictures! what a view you will have with your trees cleared..that looks incredible there! You are so Green and so many trees?!! I envy that somedays, but I especially love seeing the sunsets and sunrises too. I too just ordered some chickens from McMurrays and they will be here next week! I got Rainbow layers and Ornamental layers and some Rarest of the Rare...and WHAT WAS I THINKING?? I forget how hard the SD winters get here, but I have a plan...just means more shuffling..but a Plan indeed!!

  8. The red boys are fast becoming red men! Cute creatures they are. Thanks for the video of the roasted veggies. I enjoyed it.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  9. The scenery there is beautiful.
    Those goats are growing like weeds!
    Awww, chicks. They are sooooo cute.
    How is Franklin and Miss Turkey hen?

  10. I always love a look at your farm and critters. The new space for flowers and shrubs will be a wonderful place to sit and relax - especially if the goats come around to sit in your laps!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  11. A friend of mine from work had some silver laced wyandottes. They are very pretty chickens. Are you addicted to pics of pregnant goat butts? LOL
