We don't know if Nougat has Listeriosis or Polioencephalomalcia (Goat Polio). He can no longer stand on his own and acts like his neck is broken (one of the symptoms). We've got him in our house. Earlier, after talking with the Vet, I injected 3cc's of LA-200. Since yesterday afternoon, I have been injecting antibiotics and antiflammatory drugs, Mike just got back with liquid thiamine and I injected 3cc's.
I'm actually home this week because of being stressed out at work and now... Nougat was so tame and loved to be petted. He's only two years old and we just got him and his son, MilkDud, in early Dec '08.
If we don't see any improvement, we'll put Nougat out of his misery this evening.
oh NO!!
The thiamine should help. Can you give him more?
I'm not sure who I feel worse for ~ you or Nougat...
Very sorry to hear this. Is there a possibility he was injured while playing? I know what you are going through, as I have a Shetland Ewe here that I'm nursing along. We (the vet and I) aren't sure what is going on. She hasn't eaten in several days, but I continue to give her the meds and supportive therapy (oral drenches, vit b etc) in the hopes that things will turn around. It's very hard to see them sick and not know what is wrong. Email me if there is anything I can do to help. I have a good recipe passed on to me to keep their rumen functioning.
I'm so sorry! I sure hope he start showing some improvement! I've heard miraculous stories of animals that have been nursed back to health.
Please don't give up on Nougat today. It takes several days of treating every 6 hours round the clock to get a hold of Listeriosis. I know its hard to see a precious animal suffer. My heart is breaking but please give a few days. Here is a copy and paste from a goat forum I belong to about Listeriosis.
Give it a read and maybe it will help. You can also ask them questions as there are vets and vet techs on this forum.
I am so sorry about Nougat.
I see a several great suggestions in the comments.
I hope one of them work. We have used the LA-200 on our animals and had good results.
Bless his little heart, I understand about not wanting Nougat to suffer.
Good luck.
My heart goes out to you and Nougat. You will both be in my thoughts and prayers. I'll be hoping for the best.
Joanna, I am so sorry Nougat is so ill - he's such a beautiful goat. I know you're doing everything you can. I hope the other posts help you and that you can bring him through this. I'll be thinking of you... Nancy
noon update- at times, he hollers out like he is in pain or having convulsions. He can't move his neck at all, can't adjust his head to help himself breathe better. Doesn't close his eyes.
Yes, I could give him more than 3cc's of thiamine, how much? He weighs 69lbs.
Obviously, he's not taking in food
and water.
We called his breeder last night, but she was baffled about what to do.
I can't help but think this is all linked to when he got into the chicken feed and got diarehha real bad. He did recover but not 100% I don't think.
Oh Joanna, I'm hoping for the best for poor Nougat, you and Mike.
I am so sorry about Nougant! I emailed you a couple of links that might help. I agree with Peggy I wouldn't give up on him yet but he needs lots of thiamine (he will pee out what his body doesn't need) and antibiotics. If he isn't drinking he will also need water and electrolytes. Don't let him lay flat on his side or he may develop pneumonia. You can use hay bales to prop him up on his sternum. Nougant will be in my prayers today!
Oh Joanna, I'm so, so sorry to hear about this. We had such troubles with our little Cookie, who got the deer meningeal worm in her spine, and she was given a 20% chance of recovery if we got her started on treatment before she was down, but she was already down, so it was less than that. We were vigilant in the treatment and it took about 10 days before she could stand again, but today, you would not know it because she is right as rain. Please give him a little time if there is even a chance. It took Cookie a long time in a sort of "stasis" mode where nothing was getting better or worse, before finally she began to come out of the woods. Sending healing wishes and thoughts for all of you.
Joanna, I'm so sorry to hear about Nougat. I hope he can get better soon - it's a good week for you to have taken off of work. PLEASE let me know if I can do anything to help you. We're heading off the mountain tomorrow - if we need to pick up some medicine or something while we're down there, let me know.
I'm so sorry!
I am like you, I can't stand to see soemthing suffering. I hope things get better soon!
Oh no, Joanna!
I agree with everyone else, do not give up on him. Goats do not handle discomfort well, we almost have to fight for their own fight.
The thiamine can be given in megadoses. Jennifer said she sent you an email, no doubt that will be extremely helpful to you.
My prayers are for you and Nougant. Hugs, Joanna, big ones.
Joanna, I'm so sorry about Nougat.
I am SO sorry - we will say a little prayer for your sweet little goat...
Nooooo! Not Nougat! Such a cutie. I know you are doing everything you can think of. It's so hard to watch a beloved animal suffer when they don't know why. I'm sure your familiar presence has to be comforting in some way.
Oh Joanna, I'm so sorry to hear about Nougat. Will ne thinking about him and you! Keep us posted! xoxox
6:45PM Update - Nougat is buried over on my inlaws property. We may be moving over there one day, then we'd have a lot more land for the critters. It would mean starting over from scratch.
My dear neighbor sent over some homemade comfort food - lasanga, tossed salad, and strawberry shortcake tonight. Really meant a lot. I told her she sure knew how to brighten a dark (very rainy) day.
Poor ole Dud is sleeping alone tonight, missing his Daddy. Nougat wasn't even 2yrs old yet. We'd put Dud in with the girls but can't chance him with SweetPea, she's only 5 months old.
I'm so very sorry about Nougat. It is so darn hard to lose a pet - they become part of the family and their death is so painful.
He was a lucky fellow to have lived with you folks - take comfort in knowing you did everything you could for him and he had a good life with you.
Hugs to you -
oh joanna, i'm so sorry.
that picture made me cry!
i'm glad nougat is not in pain anymore, and i hope you are doing ok too.
: (
Oh Joanna, I'm so sorry to hear of poor Nougat's condition. He is such a handsome buck. It's terrible for you to have to deal with this and I feel so bad for you. I'm hoping that he'll improve. {HUGS}
Mike and Joanna - I am so sorry about Nougat.
A friend and I have a new blog, and my post tonight was about you, HonkyTonk and Tootsie, Pickles, and Nougat. What earth angels you are!
Hugs from Jefferson,
(The Suite Life of Lucy and Ethel)
I am so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is too lose a beloved pet, especially when they are young. But he had more love and attention in his time at your home than many animals have their entire lives and he knew how much he was loved and cared about.
I'm so sorry. I'm thinking of you and Mike today.
You did the best anyone could. I'm wishing you strength and sweet memories.
I'm crushed! I will pray for the dear little thing to be restored to health.
By the way... You have been bestowed with the Premios Dardo Award. Please swing by Casa Hice for further instructions.
I'm so sorry for your loss. :(
Joanna and Mike, I am so very sorry you had to let Nougat go. I hope the Rainbow Bridge has room for goats and sheep and other farm critters along with cats and dogs. I wish healing for all of you.
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