Petfinder put in your zip code
Petfinder has so many animals needing homes, including barnyard animals.
You may see one located near you that you may inquire about.
Petfinder has so many animals needing homes, including barnyard animals.
You may see one located near you that you may inquire about.
and I'm still working on my [free] webpage that I started yesterday.
This is a very good idea Joanna. I checked last week to see if there were any chickens needing homes in our area but I didn't find any. I suppose that's a good thing!
P.S. Those gees are ADORABLE! How on earth did Mike ever hang onto the both of them???
thanks for the link! Do you happen to have a female bourbon red turkey for sale? Fred our bourbon red is really looking for a wife. In fact we have been looking for a couple of years around here with no luck.
I always knew they had cats and dogs but never knew about the farm animals. I'll visit their site today. Who knows? I might find a nice new critter for our mini farm :)
Great idea. I love that picture, those must be some tame geese!
Joanna, this year we had our family Christmas at my oldest daughters home in TN. We usually have it here but I was hoping for snow and ask we have it at her house. LOL
Hey Joanna,
I would love an Alpaca and a pig, a little later. Just as soon as I wean my bottle calf.
Thanks for the link. I will need to find a way to sell our metal hen nest boxes soon. We are in the process of working on building them where the buyer can just put them together with a rivet gun. It will save a whole lot on shipping.
Just one of many projects, as usual.
I looked at your site and you are coming along very well with it. I can't wait to see the finished page.
good luck with it.
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