a darling place in Mountain City, TN
Mike had the Brasato with Polenta (pictured) and I had the Meatballs with Polenta. Oh my, all of in the place were raving about the delicious food. I've got to try and duplicate that polenta, don't know Matteo's recipe but I found some online
http://allrecipes.com/recipe/basic-cheese-polenta/ real comfort food. and the good news is, complex carbs, doesn't raise blood sugar so much.
Matteo and Gracela Torri
Matteo was a professional photographer for 40 years.
Panna Cotta. Wasn't mine, the gal at the next table let me take a photo of hers.
That's Gracela's eye on their business card.
Remember last weekend I was at the goats-milk soap class? Has me interested in Lye Soap, I bought this bar that I ran across today.
I bought a dozen Bob-White eggs BUT my friend Matt Arnett says this on FB.
Today, we traded our two aggressive Bourbon-Red Turkey toms - Washington and Jefferson - for Royal, a Royal-Palm Turkey tom and a very nice cage. Out two toms had been chasing BarbaraJean, Jack, jumping on chicken hens who have little chicks under 'em, and harassing me. Those who remember Franklin, he got an injury to his beak, and we had to sell him for meat a few months ago. Franklin was my first love in turkeys, he was always so sweet. Royal better be sweet too or...
Rhudolf got a haircut yesterday.
Mike put Royal up in his bedroom. At night, all our birds get up on these overhead boards in the back side of the barn and sleep until daylight.
It's 10pm on Saturday night, like every Saturday night, Mike and I are watching back-to-back episodes of
The Virginian on the INSP channel and after I blog, I'll be playing FB WORD TRICK with my California cousin. Life is good. :-)