Fall - I think it's the goats favorite time of year. The colorful leaves are like candy falling from heaven to them. Jill from
Legacy's Ministock *****************************************************
Wish we had won a trophy at the
Mountain State Fair Goat Show, hopefully one day. We certainly had a good time anyway, we always learn a lot and always come home from a show, after hanging out with experienced breeders like the
Nelson's, and re-evaluate the herd. All of us breeders, no matter what level we're on, want to continue to improve our herds setting high standards for the
Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goat breed.

Still with one good eye, hope these photo's are in focus, I get the right eye done on Wednesday, can't wait to be cataract free and won't need to wear glasses (maybe some "readers").

on the right, a good friend, Logan Corn of
Tonto's Barn
babies in one pen and Mama's in the other, so Mama's udders will fill up

If you're ever in this area, I highly recommend
Acropolis Pizza. 15 of us Nigerian folks ate there for dinner Saturday night, good food.

Mama's and babies reunited