SweetPea had 2 little doelings but Baby#1 didn't live. SweetPea had been pushing for hours and nothing, so we thought we should put on the gloves and feel around. Then, a bubble started coming, which is good, but the bubble broke, two hooves were sticking out, and we started pulling and trying to get SweetPea to push, took a few minutes to get Baby#1 out. She was a beautiful light gold but she never took a breath. We will never know if that was due to our interference, inexperience, or she died a few hours beforehand.

Baby#2, PeachFuzz, came fast once the bubble appeared and she is just fine. Thank you Lord for several reasons but most importantly that SweetPea has a baby to mother.

Last year, when SweetPea had a C-section, she also had two little doelings but the first one that the Vet pulled out was light gold, she took a couple of breaths and then turned blue and died. The second one, black Gabbi, was just fine. When SweetPea woke up from the drugs, she didn't recognize Gabbi as being her daughter, so we had to bottle raise Gabbi.

For a few months, I've been thinking if SweetPea had a little girl it would be cute to name her SweetTea but now I don't know, seems like a mouthful to go from SweetPea to SweetTea, I'd be so tongue tied. PeachFuzz?
MoonFire "Pappy" is the BabyDaddy
our birthing season ended with -
4 bucklings = Grits, Clarence, Beaufort, and Bordeaux
7 doelings = Pixie, Chamonix, Lucy, B'Udder, Pie, PeachFuzz, and one deceased
"our bedroom is being used for a nursery, and we're out camping on shelves again, somebody call Social Services"
Chamonix and Pixie