Pied Guinea, I adore guinea fowl.

Jennifer over at Goats in the Garden sent the Sunshine Award, please visit her friendly blog, Jennifer and her husband's lifestyle in Kansas is much like mine and Mikes.

Cubby eating pumpkin.

Joanna in the northwest NC Appalachian Mtns - wilcoxjj@charter.net http://boonedockswilcox.weebly.com/
Wow, you must never get a chance to sleep in, with all those guineas sitting on your front porch!
I can see the fall-ness in the grass the bucks are in. Miss Chef and I are going to have a long weekend in Brevard in a couple of weeks. I think we'll miss the peak of the leaf color, but maybe there will still be a little left for us.
I also gave you an award yesterday, but only claim it if you want it! (I hate following all those rules, personally. Think this might be the last time I do!)
Great pictures! How do you like the faverolle (sp?) chickens? Last year when I thought we might get chickens (but didn't find the time to build a coop)I read about some of the different types and liked the faverolles but would love to hear from someone who actually owns them!
Your chickens look so pretty... mine look a mess. Love Purky! She is a doll. And her house is so cute. Makes me want to get busy with the scrap wood and see what I can built. Congratulations on the award!
Your animals are beautiful. I love the pictures of them all. With all those guinea fowl around, it must be hard to sleep in mornings, though.
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