One of our main attractions around here. This is a photo of the Grandfather Mountain Bridge. I didn't take the photo and don't know who did, isn't it a beauty?
The Mile High Swinging Bridge was built to give visitors easy access to the breath-taking view from Grandfather Mountain's Linville Peak.
The 228-foot suspension bridge spans an 80-foot chasm at more than one mile in elevation. Surveys show that the journey to the other side is always considered the highlight of a trip to Grandfather Mountain.************************************This diet business is a real drag man. I've always eaten a fairly healthy diet, my problem is portion control, I haven't been able to push away after the XL Round 1.

And exercise, not too keen on it. Oh, a couple of lifetimes ago I used to play a lot of tennis and hiked these mountain trails but now I like to just hang out with the critters and nest. But, bought a new pair of walking shoes yesterday, Nike Air Alvord VI, they seem to have good cushioning which I need, my heels get really sore walking on asphalt. At the
Rams Rack shoe store, because I donated $1 to Breast Cancer Research, I got 25% off, total $48.

I've always like yogurt and I've now discovered this Thick & Creamy Yoplait, like a fruit pudding. 100 calories, no fat, 2 weight watchers points. Previously I was fantansizing about french fries, now it's mashed potatoes. I know, not good for a big girl.

One of my friends lost a bunch of weight and she says she ate a lot of cottage cheese. Do you know that cottage cheese has never passed these chubby lips? I just don't like the looks of it.
I still think TootleLu needs a cast of some kind, if anybody has any ideas let me know.
CrazySheepLady suggested an air cast which I think is perfect but how do I could get one? for a goat? a dwarf goat? I bandaged the ankle last night but she just drags the leg. If she is going to use the leg, I want her to come down on the hoof, or just use three legs. The Vet said to keep her stalled up for 6-8weeks which we basically are, but she can still get up and move around in the stall. Like in the photo, this is how she wants to walk, with the ankle bent back, that's not good. Are you up on your goat orthopaedics?
Joanna: A picture is sometimes worth a thousand words. In this case, it is obviously something is very wrong, but I can't tell from the picture exactly what the problem is. Did the veterinarian you saw tell you what he thought was the problem? In this respect, your small goat should be like a dog and a veterinarian who works with this type of problem (goat vet, or a dog or cat vet) should be able to diagnose the problem and help you. Since I don't know what the problem is for sure, I can't say whether a cast would help. It is possible that there is nerve damage. Thanks and good luck. Kevin Anderson.
Kevin L. Anderson DVM, PhD, Professor, Ruminant Medicine
Department of Farm Animal Health and Resource Management
College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University
4700 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27606
Office: 919-513-6245 Fax-919-513-6464 Kevin_Anderson@ncsu.edu