check out this link for Moving Day

We're not that far from civilization but we are up a steep, rugged, gravel road. Better to have 4X4 to get up here. We can't see any neighbors.

Brother-in-law is a contractor and a couple of his guys did the construction and Mike was their helper.

Yes, the pumpkins are real, a coworker raises them.
Do ya see Caliente standing on the picnic table?

I tried to coax Franklin up on the new deck but he said that he'd rather keep his feet in the dirt.
Do ya see Caliente standing on the picnic table?

I tried to coax Franklin up on the new deck but he said that he'd rather keep his feet in the dirt.
I had to sneak in a goat pic.
I know, we need a new barn, but at least it's still very functional for our farm animals, it keeps 'em protected and dry and night. They're not in this photo but the guinea's have been running around on the barn roof.
Joanna, I about half jealous. You guys have done it, you have nearly completed what you set out to do. And you have privacy. That is worth a mint! I love your cabin. It is the cutest!!! I want to gove you a huge hug!!!
The "kids" are checking out that new deck!!.....looks good....little cabin in the woods!!
Your homestead looks great Joanna! You both should be so proud of all your hard work - it definately has paid off.
Your animals look so content and happy -
*sigh*...wishing it was all mine. It is beautiful and congratulations on getting all done. Love the pics too!
Love the mixed-pics; looks a lot like my place (not your actual place, but everyone running loose together!). How do your 'people' do with the 'no pooping on the porch policy'? Mine are hopeless, especially the turkeys!
I just love your place! everything looks so beautiful and content
How amazing! If you'll email me your address, we'll come visit you some time. I have no idea where you are anymore!
You know, Bill and I used to work in the real Shangila. At least, where they think James Hilton was writing about in China.
What a beautiful place! I love the goats being everywhere. Our are farther from the house than I would like.
It is so pretty! I know how much hard work has went into all of it.
Great job.
The animals look like they are having a good time.
Have a great day.
I love your new place, such a beautiful view and privacy from neighbors! I love your fall decorations. Your goats must be much better behaved than mine, because my goats would have knocked those pumpkins off the deck in about 2 minutes. Then they would have all feasted on smashed pumpkin! hehe I can just see them. I love your deck, what a peaceful and beautiful place to relax and spend time with your animals.
Oh and blogger finally let me upload the picture of the gourds!
Can I come live with you for a few months??? I've tried to talk Diane into getting a goat so I could play with it, but she's too focused on that baby coming in less than 3 months!
Oh, well. Another time! I really admire your life.
Nancy in Iowa
Wow! Look at how much has gotten done and how far your dreams have come. Yay! Everyone looks so content, too. :)
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