Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats
June, TootleLu, Gabbi, Cali, Clara, Sundance, SweetPea

Joanna in the northwest NC Appalachian Mtns - wilcoxjj@charter.net http://boonedockswilcox.weebly.com/
we've had 76" of snow this winter with more coming this weekend
The wind had been howling all last night and today. This afternoon, I pulled into the grocery store parking lot, opened my pickup truck door, and wham, a big gust of wind slammed my door against the passenger-side mirror of a the big, clean and shiny, red, modern-looking pickup truck next to me. Yeah, the Dale-Earnhardt-embroidered-leather-jacket-clad guy was in his truck and if looks could kill. He sat there for a few moments like he was trying to contain himself; like he was trying to use the tools that he learned in anger-management class. I was mouthing and hand gesturing that I was terribly sorry. He slowly got out, looked at my rat-trap of a truck, and says to me, "you need to be careful." Now, remember the scenario, it's freezing cold outside, snow everywhere, winds are gusting, and I'm standing there while redneck NASCAR is fiddling with his mirror, which I can tell early on is just fine, it had just popped back, but he's all but getting out his magnifier to look for any nicks in the paint, any slight fractures in the mirror. I again apologize, and he again tells me I need to be careful, never acknowedging the howling winds, and acting like I'm some kind of reckless-driving-crazy woman. I say, "do you want me to call the police (so they can investigate this tragic accident)." Long pause as he fiddles, "weeell, let me see if it works from the inside." So he finally gets in his truck, and I can hear and see the mirror buzzing back and forth just fine. I start walking towards the store, trying to keep my balance because the wind is blowing so hard and I hear, "from now on, you need to be careful."
At the conference, two gals from our 3rd-party administrator also attended, we had a good time together. Leslie and Heather took me to Sticky Fingers.
At the Concord Mills Mall, MakeupMan put on his moves.