...will inspire you to see that less is more, simple is beautiful and there is endless beauty in the everyday objects around you... http://www.motherearthnews.com/Natural-Health/Japanese-Philosophy-Of-Wabi-Sabi-Seeing-Beauty-In-The-Everyday.aspx#ixzz1CYFoGLWi

I'll have to name a goat - WabiSabi.
we've had some decent weather this weekend, Mike got 30 more bales of hay yesterday, got 'em in the hayloft. 40 bales last weekend and 30 bales this weekend, we should be good on hay until June - hay season.

today [Sunday], we've been hoof trimming

We measured Cahoot, we worried he has grown too tall at the withers, for the show ring. Not supposed to exceed 23 1/2" at the top of the shoulders.

and we've been witnessing a lot of turkey porn this weekend. Obviously, it's turkey breeding season. Everytime we walk by a turkey girl, she lays down. :-)

Franklin and Jefferson don't allow Bennie any of the action but Bennie seems to be doing fairy well.
I've been trying to see if by bred does are pregnant. We don't ever have any bucks running with the girls, but put a doe and a buck in a pen for a minute if the doe is in heat. The buck will mount her for 2 seconds and it's over, so never sure if it took. Sometimes, it's obvious when a girl is in heat but sometimes not. Nigerians come into heat every 21 days.

We'll go to the gym this evening, we have a schedule of Sun, Tues, and Thurs evenings, unless the weather doesn't cooperate. Mike was a long-distance runner in a previous life, and he's worked his way up to 4 miles running on the treadmill. I mostly do the elliptical machine and weights.
CalorieCount, seems good, it's free and easy to keep up with calories each day. I've only used it one day, however, Friday :-) when I cook on the weekends, I don't know how to track it. I made some REALLY good SloppyJoe's this weekend. Loads of flavor.
Gotta get back to hoof trimming at the moment.