We sell eggs at one of our local Farmers Markets, this one is every Sunday from 10:00AM-2PM, although we sell out of eggs a lot sooner than 2PM. We took 9 dozen this morning and were sold out by 11:30AM. We took 5-day old Gabbi and wow, did she draw attention. So much that I had to get Mike to run her back home after an hour, I was worried she was getting worn out. Everybody wanted to hold her.

This gal is a vendor stationed next to us and she couldn't believe how wonderful it felt to hold a baby goat.

All ages came along and wanted to hold her. This boys mother is on the phone telling somebody, "he's holding an adorable baby goat."

Back at home, Mike just fed Gabbi her bottle.

We let the kids out to play.
All 6 kids in this photo.