Mike and I really love this little red and white girl, as in, discussed her at length on the way home, stay tuned. She is so tiny that Carol doesn't know if she can be bred. "Dinki" has two little pimples for teats.

We loaded up 8 goats yesterday and went to Kids Corral for the tattoo session. Wish I had gotten a photo of the divider that Mike made for the back of his pickup truck. He has a camper top on the back and then with the divider, was able to separate the 3 boys from the 5 girls, after SweetPea got knocked up so early last year, can't take any chances!
Below are our goats, however, Cahoot was purchased from them. Cahoot was born on 3/31/09, our anniversary, and we bought him that day. Early in our marriage, we used to buy young trees on special occasions, and plant them in our yard (the one we just moved from), but now I guess we buy goats.

Mike sometimes did the holding,

and sometimes Duane Lindblom did the holding. That's Cahoot.