Wednesday, March 21, 2012

just hangin'

Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats

Ginger's daughter, Rhubarb.
Rhubi will be a first freshener
in approx 10 days.
She'll be 2 years old in June

Rhubi's mother.

I scratch a lot of heads.


Dark Brahma Hen

TurkeyGirl is setting on approx
a dozen turkey eggs.
She has 3 weeks to go.

Yes, we can sit around in our underwear,
we don't have any human neighbors.
Mike & SweetPea.

Dark Brahma Hen
a great chicken
for colder climates


Tina said...

Those pictures made me smile...what sweet faces.

Mary Ann said...

Oh my gosh! My husband says the main reason we moved to the country is so that he could do what Mike is doing! Trouble is, we DO have one neighbor too close (and saw that same neighbor buck naked one night climbing into his hot tub on his deck!) The joys of living in the country!

charlotte's menagerie said...

Love the animal photos. My son-in-law makes fun of me walking to get the newspaper in my pajamas. They would be shocked if I did it in my underwear. But alas, I don't live in the country.