We had 2 loads of gravel delivered this morning, we had one big pile of it at the barn, Jack and BarbaraJean played "King-of-the-Hill" for awhile, and Jack finally won.

We never expected to enjoy these Great Pyrs so much, they've got lots of personality, and Jack does a great job at protecting.

Nephew Demetre showed up with the tractor, and helped to smooth out the gravel. Jack's "hill" is now gone.
Rule #1 - If you have a pretty-hanging-strawberry basket, and goats, DO NOT set the basket where the goats can get to it.
Maybe BJ let him win? She probably didn't really care, anyway, she's so goofy.
I would think if you have a hanging basket of ANYTHING, you should keep it out of goat's way! :)
It is healthy for strawberries to be 'trimmed' back. This will allow for a flourish of new growth and a Fall crop of berries. The goats were just helping you have a successful growing season. LOL
They are getting to be beautiful dogs!
I just might love your dogs as much as you do. Those are two mighty fine looking dogs...
Enjoying your blog! I don't know if Pyrs are supposed to love water, but Akitas aren't. Didn't hold true with our girl! Loved all the photos.
Beautiful dogs! Pyrs are wonderful dogs, amazing personalities and I cannot believe how much I rely on and trust my guys, it's like they run the farm just as much as I do. Great pictures.
So busy at BDW! Have been out of the loop lately. Just trying to get by with the heat. The girls are starting school and Katie did so well on her SAT that she is starting college in a week! Two years early! I have brought Becca to KY for some thoroughbred stuff and she is writing like crazy. I'm starting to clean my gaardens. The heat has really been tough on them this year! Love the pics! As always! Saw Carol and Duane at Rustys wedding.
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