Since I have 32 Pearl Guinea's in the brooder, I've been doing some research.

Guineas originated in Africa and are excellent foragers. They grow and thrive on grasshoppers, ticks, snakes, insects and weed seeds. Guineas are also great watchdogs as they call out at the approach of any strangers.
Great for insect & rodent control
Easy to raise
Ornamental Feathers
Delicious eggs (they make some of the best cakes!)
Meat is a delicacy (similar in taste to pheasant)
Excellent foragers – they need almost no supplemental feed during the summer time.
Extremely hardy - despite the fact that they are native to Africa, guinea fowl are able to take northern temperatures almost like penquins!
They are the “watch dogs of the barnyard” (alerting other livestock to danger)
Guineas don't act like chickens. They are much more active than chickens and not as easily tamed. They seem to retain some of their wild behavior and will remind you of this whenever they get spooked.

I didn't take these photo's, dug 'em up from the internet, I've never had guinea's before.

I did take the photo's below. CoCo and Gabbi playing.

We had two animal-loving boys, Drew and Liam, come visit us.

They are nephews of a gal, Kathy, that buys eggs from us. I think the boys enjoyed themselves. This is Kathy's webpage, look at her beautiful artwork, says she may paint our goats sometime.