I suppose he is really a sheep? but he reminded me of Henry, my scruffy 16yr old dog. I walked into the grocery store today and there was Henri', looking for a home, only $15, I usually don't buy something unless it has good use and is really needed but I rationalized that he'd be a wonderful snuggler so there he is, waiting on the bed for me tonight.

When I was young, my maternal grandmother made the most darling stuffed animals, my bed was full of 'em - Poogie the rabbit, Jill the bear, Arthur the monkey were the most memorable.
Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats and Pearl Guinea's. Bucks on the far side, does on this side, and guinea's all around. SweetPea was sunning in her chair.

I love the white tails feathers on Early, Cuckoo Marans Rooster.

Blue Ridge Energies came

and installed an 18,000 btu propane wall heater in our sunroom (our glorified dog house). Wow, it works great and that's with it turned down on #1 on the cool nights.

while the fella's were here, I had 'em move our tank to another spot, they pulled it out with a winch.

Blissi, our female Irish Terrier of the pair (n0, we don't breed our dogs, they're fixed)

Henry, our 16yr old Humane Society special

the sunroom has a doggie door
Brawn is the left butt, Blissi is the right butt
love the guinea fowl!!!
my six are still doing ok and seem to be all colours!
Irish terriers cute too!
Dog butts and rooster tails! Yessss!
You can never have too many stuffed sheep :-).
Sweet Pea looked glorius sunning in her chair.
I love your "glorified doghouse." Between the insulation and the propane heater, it should be a cozy toaty place!
I just love visiting and seeing what the 4 legged family is doing at your place. Have a blessed weekend
Loved all of today's pictures! I am especially fond of Henri. I would have bought him too! I mustn't show your new heater to my chickens or they will demand one in their coop.
Love the "butts"...
lol! The end!
Great photos! I always enjoy seeing what you've got going on around there.
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