1. Where is your cell phone? in my bra
2. Favorite type of pickle? bread&butter
3. Your mother? deceased
4. Your father? deceased
5. Your worst fear? when my Mother died of cancer in '92, my worst fear was realized
6. Do You Have Any Siblings? No
7. Favorite drink? I love real CokeCola but rarely drink it
8. Goal? to retire
9. Favorite type of nut? hmmm, like 'em all a lot, pitashio
10. Hobbies? hobby farm, photo's, cooking, reading, blogging, cooking TV shows
11. Dreams? my dreams aren't very vivid or action packed
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? hanging at home
13. Favorite type of apple? Fuji
14. Attended a High-School Reunion? Not yet, but I'm going to eventually
15. From the bakery? something with cream cheese filling
16. Pizza crust? thin
17. Favorite color? orange
18. Do you volunteer? Watauga Humane Society
19. Cellphone carrier? AT&T
20. Favorite ice cream flavor? chocolate
21. Pets? 3 dogs, 26 guineas, 50 chickens, 4 turkeys, 11 goats
22. Did you get a flu shot? yes
23. Favorite bread? any of 'em warm out of the oven
24. Favorite scent? gardenia
25. Favorite word? fuzzy
26. Your best friend? Husband Mike (but I don't tell him everything or he blabs it to his family)
27. Where did you grow up? Raleigh, NC
28. Wish list item? trailer to haul the goats comfortably
29. Have you ever received a bailout from the federal gov't? I'm waitin'
30. Which mayonnaise? Kraft
31. Year of your vehicle? 1995
32. Are you a card player? Mike and I are life masters of bridge
33. Favorite magazine? BackWoodsHome
34. Favorite dessert? cheesecake
35. Favorite store? I've never been to it actually, but think I would like Market District. I see that they make crepes in the store! http://www.marketdistrict.com/home
I love and cherish our Veterans!
FYI - Many Americans mistakenly believe that Veterans Day is the day America sets aside to honor American military personnel who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained from combat. That's not quite true. Memorial Day is the day set aside to honor America's war dead.
Veterans Day, on the other hand, honors ALL American veterans, both living and dead. In fact, Veterans Day is largely intended to thank LIVING veterans for dedicated and loyal service to their country. November 11 of each year is the day that we ensure veterans know that we deeply appreciate the sacrifices they have made in the lives to keep our country free.

You know when I saw these Thanksgiving Day Parade postage stamps with a turkey on 'em, I had to buy some.

Planters Digestive Health Mix, with pistachios, almonds, tart cranberries, crunchy granola clusters, and sweet cherries are tasty; those dried cherries are especially good.

I'm getting ready to watch BIGGEST LOSER, because I haven't lost any weight lately, lost a little focus, I've been cooking again. If I had that Trainer Jillian Michaels, she would scare the weight off me. I'm convinced, if they'd send her to Afghanistan, she'd quickly straighten the whole mess out.

It is hard to lose weight when you are a good cook!
I love those stamps.I always watch the parade.
My Hubby is a veteran,12 years in the Navy.He was never in war thank God!Still 12 years serving your country is still 12 years.He is modest though,he never even stands up at church when they ask for the vets,he say too many others made made greater sacrifices and he would not want to take away from that.We feel the military holidays strongly in our home,for the past and future since I know my son will most likely join one of the armed forces when he is grown.
Love your questionnaire answers. I relate to all of them and share most of them. Orange is an unusual favorite color, but it's mine too. Jillian scares me too, so I don't watch that show. Don't worry about the diet set backs. Just try to make healthy choices and get back on the wagon. I'm counting points again this week too, and will continue until I shave off a few pounds that found their way back. Gotta strike while the iron's hot. It's a lifetime commitment, so being kind to yourself along the way is important.
Love you Joanna!
Did Franklin pose for the postage stamp? Remember in Fargo, when Norm was so proud to have his artwork chosen for - I think - a
2c stamp?
Nancy in Iowa
Fun question set! I decided to do them! Thanks!
Hello! Hello! I really do enjoy reading your blog! I answered your questions too! I'd like Bud to pose in my PlayGoat magazine, along with Claire's Valentino! woo woo! Goat kisses from Isobelle!
A lot of folks get that wrong about vet's day. My hubby is one. Paratrooper in the Army for 8 yrs. Knee injury...
I'm enjoying your blog!Down to earth...my kind of people. :)
Enjoyed reading your list. I am hoping to lose a little more week even with the holidays fast approaching. Guess I will be walking lots more.
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