Actual daylight is getting shorter and now standard time, what a drag. I like it when its warm, dry, and stays light until 9 o'clock at night, and so do my farm animals. Its dark at 5PM and Mike usually doesn't get home until after dark, so I had all the watering and feeding farm chores tonight.
Sunday evening, I talked to two high-school girlfriends on the phone,which I hadn't talked to either one of them in many years, sometime I may make a trip to my home town of Raleigh, and we'll get together.
I made a big batch of chili this weekend and we're still eating it tonight. I used some ground turkey in it too.

these waxed bags are good for storing cheese

How did I go from a clean kitchen to this so quickly? and I'm my only dishwasher. Mike is pretty good about helping around the house but I wouldn't put him to washing dishes though; water would be slung from the ceiling to the remote control.
I made a big batch of chili this weekend and we're still eating it tonight. I used some ground turkey in it too.

these waxed bags are good for storing cheese

How did I go from a clean kitchen to this so quickly? and I'm my only dishwasher. Mike is pretty good about helping around the house but I wouldn't put him to washing dishes though; water would be slung from the ceiling to the remote control.

Sunday afternoon, Mike thought he had "plugged all the holes," nailed boards, hung netting, etc., in our old barn that would keep the guinea's from getting in the hayloft. Entering the barn Sunday night, first we checked on the goats girls.
Goats - We're in bed, what are they doing here?
I have been following Lynn's weight loss/fitness blog and this morning she was on the Today Show, what an inspiration for folks trying to get in shape. http://lynnsweigh.blogspot.com/
I have been following Lynn's weight loss/fitness blog and this morning she was on the Today Show, what an inspiration for folks trying to get in shape. http://lynnsweigh.blogspot.com/
I call this "yuck" time....it was dark within 10 minutes after i got home today.....YUCK!!
ps....talked to Andrea today!!
I guess I am the only one who likes cold weather!Boy,do I live in the wrong place!
Our guineas are stubborn too! The were raised in their own coop.We were told they would always go back there to roost.Wrong!They want to roost with the chickens in their coop.I finally got tired of trying to chase them back to their coop every night so now they sleep with the chickens.They don't pick on the chickens any more than the chickens pick on each other.Our ducks did the same thing,they all sleep in the chicken coop!
Turkey chili can be surprisingly good, provided you spice it up liberally. Make sure Franklin hides his eyes while you get it put together. We don't want to scar the poor lad.
I never get tired of your farm photos, Joanna. I feel like I'm right there with you!
As for the time change. I can deal with it. Think it's the stupidest thing ever, but it's the only real "change" we get in Florida since the leaves go from green to brown mid-December and just drop. There's no autumn here to speak of at all. So the early evenings kind of makes up for it. A little. I don't have a farm to run tho... that certainly makes a difference.
Still, I hope you are enjoying the cooler weather and change of leaves. Kiss Franklin for me.
I use turkey sausage in recipes and like it a lot. I have also used it in chili recipes.
I agree about these short days and time changes. I can't get Jack, Betsy, the goats, Miracle Eve, the chickens all switched over to the new time. they insist on eating at the old time. I suppose I'll have to do the switching.
We have chickens that insist on using our barn rafters for sleeping but the guineas always get in the tall oak tree next to the barn.
Have a great day.
I hate the time change...and the shorter days. My chickens want to come live with you. There was an "incident" with the boy wonder this morning. They are not happy.
So the guineas have to be higher than the chickens? And what is it with the goats sleeping on the spools - I'd think they'd prefer the softer straw covering!
Nancy in Iowa (and loving the cooler weather)
Just when you start thinking you're smarter than a bunch of animals... That sure is a slew of guineas you've got there! No bugs at your place next spring!
Your kitchen doesn't look that bad...I still see half a counter that's clear!
do your clocks go back an hour in winter like ours do?????
love the turkey pics
Sneaky little critters. :)
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