I'm so bummed about the Watauga Farmers Market (the local one where I sell eggs). To help pay for the annual fee, I need more volume to sell than just eggs. I decided I'd make some soap. I called the manager and she said that homemade soap falls under "craft" and I needed to go before the market jury that met Saturday two weeks ago, and won't met again for two years! Although I am a vendor there, I can't sell soap in addition to eggs.
I completely understand the Board of Directors doesn't want to turn it into a flea market but I can't understand about turning good, with annual-fee-money-in-hand, vendors away. They always want to limit what and whom are there and I think the more good vendors we have the more of an attraction we are. I gotta go, I'm going to write the Board of Directors.
Oh, and ya can't sell baked goods either unless you get the State of NC to inspect your kitchen, and a bunch more stuff. Actually, you nor your kid can run a Lemonade stand on your own property in North Carolina without a bunch of expense and red tape.
"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session." Mark Twain