Johanna Spyri's classic story of five-year old Heidi, an orphan sent to live with her grumpy grandfather in the Swiss Alps. Sweet-natured Heidi soon wins her grandfather's heart and makes friends with the lively young goat herder, Peter. Her newfound happiness ends quickly, however, when Heidi's aunt, Dete, takes her off to the city of Frankfurt to be a companion to Clara, a handicapped child. Finally Heidi is restored to her Alpine home and is exuberantly happy when she learns that Clara will come and visit her in the Alps.
Shaved Brussels Sprouts Salad
2 hours ago
Oh that I were Heidi. All those goats and an occasional plate of Schnitzel too. :)
Heidi was the first movie my father ever took me to. I've always loved that story.
I never saw this, but now I want too!
One of my favorite childhood books. I recently read it once again, and it's still oh-so-charming. See, fresh air and goats can cure anything!
I love Heidi, when we go up to the mountains and hear the wind in the tree tops and look out over the alpine meadows I always imagine that I am Heidi.
I loved it too!
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